Sunday, March 9, 2014

USA on Imperialism

The political cartoon above is entitled "A Lesson for Anti-expansionists." It depicts the United States of America growing in maturity as it absorbs and expands onto and into new land and countries. Settling the west was the first great feat of nationalism with the belief  in manifest destiny. The annexing of texas was forceful, but it proved itself. After all the years and expansion, the artist attempts to rally those against expansion and imperialism as they show other countries asking for friendship with, the now great and expanded, USA. It is a truth that western countries became impressed and even fearful of America as it spread west and into the pacific and mid Atlantic, but arguments can be made towards the side effects of the methods used to obtain these lands.

The United States was always imperialistic. Maybe not as much at England, but there is always another field to be claimed and 'freed'.
-The US annexed Texas because manifest destiny said it was a right given by god.
-took hawaii and Philippines for navel benefits.
-bought Alaska....because it promised great things.
Now to counteract it all, America did have its reasons.
-annexed Texas to help those Americans already their from Spanish rule.
-took control of the pacific to avoid trade issues imposed by others.
-America was booming with population and most of Alaska is uninhabited. Some one just happened to own it first.

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