Sunday, March 9, 2014

Introduction to Ch. 25

This blog is about chapter 25: The Age of Imperialism. The age of imperialism refers to the late 18th to the turn of the 20th century where the new game for countries to play to further themselves was imperialistic conquering and the claiming of under developed or non industrialized lands in Africa and Asia. The power in Europe was equaling out and taking control of a developed country was more difficult than an under developed land. Millions of westerners emigrated to newly westernized countries in hopes of cashing in on these new developments. Science, religion, greed and ethics drove countries with a sense of nationalism to want to go and help develop the "third world" countries, or rather, countries that were not considered westernized, industrialized or christian.

Within this blog, I hope to establish an understanding as to the reasons for westernization and what caused some countries to close their borders.

An essential question posed is what made it so easy for countries to pour assets into the large costs of imperialism?
A simple answer is nationalism. Nationalism creates a well maintained homeland and a well funded government and a fully staffed crew to lead exploration of the sea and land. Nationalism is also sold easily to the public with religious backing, economically beneficial promises, and new flashy science.

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